Monday, 13 June 2016

and the piece of shit of the day award goes to...

Evening all,

So to those who haven't been following the news, there was a massive shooting in Orlando, Florida at around 3am on Sunday. A piece of shit (who I will not name purposefully) had taken as a personal insult the sight of a happy couple kissing in front of him and his family a few days earlier. Spurred on by his holy book and imam, he took it upon himself to end the lives of 49 innocent homosexuals. My heart breaks at the thought that innocent people are having to deal with the pain and suffering of losing a loved one in such a terrible manner. Should anyone reading this know of anyone affected, please let them know that they have sympathies and support from as far away as South Africa. Rather than give the piece of shit who committed these heinous crimes any recognition, I've attached a link below to celebrate the lives of those who were senselessly murdered.

In other troubling, (though far less so) news, Penny Sparrow has been ordered by a court of law to pay a fine of R150,000.00 to the Oliver and Adelaide Tambo Foundation, whose official mission is to "Impact on the quality of life by consolidating and promoting a value based society" whatever the fuck that means. Now anyone who knows me, or has read previous posts of mine, knows that I think that Penny's conduct was despicable, but I cannot see how it in any way constitutes hate speech and thus is lawful, I have defended the idiot that went on at the white waitress about giving back land under the same banner, freedom of speech. It doesn't end just because I disagree with you.

Lastly I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight an incredible human being, a young man by the name of Shagam Newman. Shagam's living situation is less than ideal, currently homeless, he lives in a two bedroom shack on the slopes of Table Mountain, along with around 10 dogs and more than a few cats. Despite his own desperate situation, Shagam loves animals and spends his days trying to help as many as he can, often manning a trolley outside the local spa asking for donations of dog and cat food. Once he has a full trolley this legend then goes around his local neighborhood and helps anyone that has animals and is short on cash to feed them. He is currently working together with DARG ( so if anyone wants to donate or just offer messages of encouragement, please send them through DARG.

Youtube clip of the day, talented Canadian rapper Baba Brinkman with his song titled "Darwin's Acid":

As usual, I don't own the media, please visit Baba's official page and download his music here:

Well, that's my piece for today, please remember to comment, subscribe as well as like the facebook page ( and remember, the world may be full to the brim with hate and violence, but the only thing that can make a positive change is you.


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