Friday, 10 June 2016

Eat your drugs, stay in vegetables and don't do school!

Evening all,

So as you may or may not have deduced from the title, today's post is all about drugs, more specifically my opinion in terms of the legalization, legislation and control thereof. It's a difficult subject to be sure, my initial thoughts are that adults have the right to do with their bodies as they please, provided that their actions do not infringe on the rights of others (suicide bombers and rape come to mind). Though as anyone who has had an addict in their lives will attest to, drug addiction is not quite that simple. Addicts have an unfortunate knack of pulling those close to them into their drama, whether it be theft to maintain their addiction or drug dealers showing up uninvited to collect outstanding payments, through to the agony of having to watch a loved one spiral downwards on their road to overdose and death.

In most nations, what most of us consider illegal drugs have traditionally been criminalized, with hefty jail time attached to anyone caught in possession of them, though the worlds opinions have slowly started changing. The Netherlands have had a relatively lax attitude towards drugs since the 1970's, with cannabis being legal in designated areas, magic mushrooms enjoyed the same conditions up until 2008 when they were completely banned due to a sharp increase in accidental deaths related to the drugs hallucinogenic effects. More recently, various American states have legalized cannabis, some strictly for medicinal purposes and others to include recreational use. Uruguay has also recently legalized the recreational use of cannabis, though the law itself has not been implemented due to legal requirements regarding suppliers.

The fact that current worldwide drug policies are at best ineffective and at worst a black-hole that authorities throw money into is well documented, in America in 2009 the feral government spent over $2 billion housing drug related prisoners, with a total bill to fight the war on drugs reaching an astonishing $15.9 billion annually. A massive 46% of  Americans today admit to having used illegal drugs, most saying that it is now easier to buy purer, cheaper drugs than it has ever been despite the record amounts being spent to curb them. The war on drugs has failed, and it is without a doubt time for change.

My suggested solution is not by any stretch of the imagination popular, but what you have to remember with the worldwide drug problem is the fact that the problem actually has little to do with the drugs themselves, but rather with the actions that addicts take in order to maintain their habit. Most drug users steal because they have prior convictions for drug possession and are unable to fulfill their potential earning capacity. Ending the prohibition on drugs would not only free up the money that is currently being spent on fighting the war on drugs, but increase revenue as governments are able to tax the drug trade. Conservative estimates say that in the US alone, the federal government could add an additional $80 billion annually to it's coffers over and above the savings it would make.

This additional money could then be pumped into education and healthcare of addicts. This tactic has proven it's effectiveness with tobacco as more and more people come to the conclusion that the negative consequences outweigh the benefits. With not a single cent being spent on prohibiting tobacco, the number of adult smokers in the US has been cut almost in half thanks to campaigns aimed at education.

The additional benefit to legalization, legislation and control of the drug market is quality. The average  gram of cocaine or heroin found on the street contains astonishing amounts of other substances that dealers cut the drugs with in order to increase their profits. It is more often than not these other substances that lead to the medical conditions that are so often fatal.

Most of the research I've done for this bit has been from a NPO in America called LEAP, (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), for more info please feel free to have a look at their website:

The funny clip of the day comes from Australian comedian Jim Jefferies explaining what a coke wank is (yes, it's exactly what it sounds like)

Per usual, I don't own the content, though the man is funny as all hell, so please feel free to check out his other stuff. I've linked his official page below:

As always, thanks for reading, please comment, subscribe and remember to like the facebook page!


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