Saturday, 25 June 2016

It's all bullshit

Evening all,

I can't help but feel as if I've been harping on at the Abrahamic religions for too long and think I ought to turn my attention towards some of the more contemporary, though no less ridiculous beliefs held by a good number of people. It has become fashionable to throw away old beliefs without so much of a 'by your leave' and look to other superstition to fill the void.

I have again chosen the above words with care, I personally have had a long hard struggle to get to where I am in my  journey of discovery, many hours of research and inner searching have lead me to the conclusion that the supernatural is nothing more than a hoax. Personally, losing my faith was a long, hard road, biut one that has been all the more worth it in the end.


Before the christians, jews and muslims start sneering, I'd like to point out that Scientology has no more bizarre beliefs than you. Fuck, at least they don't have a talking snake or a burning bush, (though I still think Moses just had a case of the Clap). Claiming a weird affinity to science, which any scientist will deny, scientology tries to fit everyone's ideas of god into one neat bundle. The major problem being that 99% of religions are exclusive. John 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me." It's not exactly a new idea and one can find examples in almost every religion in the world.

One of the problems that I have with scientology is the cult like overtones. much like the mormon church, it becomes nigh impossible to leave once your life is intertwined with the church. It's not as bad as islam which demands death for the sin of apostasy, but there are multiple accounts of people whose lives have been ruined because they decided to take their journey another way. Another problem with scientology is it's obvious falsehood. I mean com'on, the crafty fucker wrote (bad) science fiction before he decided to start his own religion.


Another religion that seems to be popular at the moment, buddhism at least has the credit that it's a couple of thousand years old. Most people who follow "buddishm" follow a more than half bastardized version of it, barely touching the surface of the true intricacies of the religion, though seemingly admiring it's views on reincarnation. I'd not like to degrade the struggle of the Tibetan people with the Chinese government, but let's be honest, it's easy for you to to tell the poor that in the next life their going to be millionaires when you have everything now.

At first glance, buddhism seems harmless, "do good and good will be done to you". Where it all starts to go awry is when we start to incorporate previous lives. No matter how one looks at it, the idea of learning lessons from previous lives is sinister at best. I don't remember any of the previous lives that I've lived, so how the fuck am I meant to remember the lesson that taking taking advantage of an elderly person is wrong. I don't remember any lesson's in my next life, so how the fuck is the future "me" meant to avoid the same pitfalls on the road to nirvana as me?


I may have the definition of naturalism worng but I'm pissed enough on a Friday night not to care. What I mean by naturalism or naturalists is the group who can't stop talking shit about mother nature, as if nature is a conscious entity that makes decisions. Nature has no conscious, it is incapable of giving a shit what we do to this planet. It doesn't send plagues to wipe mankind out in an effort to rid the world of overpopulation, nature just is. If you want to know what nature really is, do a little research on evolution. It's simply process that all living, and for that matter non-living, matter experiences on a daily basis. Nature not only doesn't care, it lacks the ability to care. If all life on this planet was extinguished, nature wouldn't have the capacity to care.

Ok, I'm going to leave his one here as I'm struggling to make sense of what I'm writing. I may or may not come back to this post later to clarify thoughts but hope that I'm being understood. the video od the day is again from Tim Minchin.

Please remember  that I own none of the material, visit Tim's site to download the origionals.

Well, that's me for the evening, I hope tat my drunkenness hasn't marred quality too badly, I figure I'm going to read this in the morning and cringe, but regardless, I hope I've been entertaining and that you've had a good time. please remember to like, subscribe and follow the blogs.


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