Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Ok, so I REALLY need to get better at keeping to a set schedule, trying to do this on a daily basis with a full-time day job isn't the easiest, as a result I think I'm going to try cutting this down to a once a week type deal.

So there area a few things I wanted to chat about, firstly if you remember I was talking a while ago about rapist Bob Hewitt and his appeal to the constitutional court to try and block his incarceration after being convicted of rape, well thankfully sense has prevailed and his appeal has been overturned, meaning that he now has seven days to present himself to a police station to be put into prison.

Next up is the American Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson who had applied for a visa to enter the country on a soul winning mission. For those who don't know, Stevie boy is a bit of a cunt, in his own words he celebrated after the shooting in Orlando left 50 gay people dead, "there are 50 less paedophiles in the world". More than that, he has also publicly called for the execution of all homosexuals. So you know, all round great guy!

Well the South African Minister of Home Affairs has denied his visa application on the basis that he will most likely incite social violence. personally I'm very much in two minds about this, is the guy a complete twat? I don't think there are many that would disagree. Does that mean that the South African government has the right to restrict his travel and free speech? Technically yes. According to the South African constitution, freedom of speech can be limited if it discriminates and incites violence, lines that Anderson clearly crosses.

My problem is that I have a very difficult time whenever free speech is impeded, I think that the argument could definitely be made that neither Anderson, nor any of his ilk would have the balls to actually DO anything and thus doesn't actually pose a danger. That's just my view though and certainly doesn't line up with the constitution.

In other infuriatingly ironic news Richard Keenen, formerly the mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, who was quoted as saying "I'm a Christian. Dedicating my life to Jesus has changed my life," going on to say "Don't preach it, but live it". That was back in 2010 after being sworn in as mayor holding the position for two years. So what's the wanker been up to lately? Why nothing other than raping a four year old of course! He voluntarily admitted to this after checking himself into a psychiatric facility after feeling suicidal. Even worse the arsehole blames the victim, saying that she initiated the acts and was a willing participant. Here's a free tip Richard, I'd actually respect you if you had gone to a psychiatric ward and admitted that you had an attraction to kids BEFORE you raped a four year old, that way you could at least get some help!

Well, that's all folks, as usual, comment and subscribe. Have a good one!


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